Some Key Reasons Liver Function Tests for A Healthy Life

Some Key Reasons Liver Function Tests for A Healthy Life

Liver is essential to the healthy functioning of human body. It is Involved in three important vital functions of the body including storage, cleansing and synthesis. A healthy liver helps enhance digestion, removes toxins and other impurities in the body, regulates blood clotting, prevents bacteria in the blood and keeps the balance of hormones. Keeping a healthy liver is essential for good health. Liver function Tests LFTs that are a collection of blood tests can help you determine the health of liver. They help in identifying any other damage to the liver by detecting the amount of enzymes or proteins in your blood.

Liver function tests

  • Alanine Transaminase ALT Test: This evaluation is conducted to Determine the degree of ALT in your body. Elevated levels of ALT in the body is an indication of liver damage.
  • Albumin Test: This test helps determine the operation of the liver by measuring the amount of albumin in the body. Albumin is the principal protein manufactured by the liver. Low levels of albumin suggests your liver isn’t functioning properly.
  • Bilirubin evaluation: Bilirubin is a waste product that is processed by the liver. With the bilirubin test the levels of bilirubin can be quantified, which aids in defining the health of your liver. Presence of high levels of bilirubin in the body signifies your liver isn’t functioning properly.
  • There are two other LFTs such as Aspartate Transaminase AST Evaluation and Alkaline Phosphatase ALP Test that are performed in conjunction with other tests to gauge the health of the liver.

Which Diseases Can be Determined with The Aid of Liver Function Test?

You doctor may order for LFTs If You are experiencing symptoms including Weightless, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, diarrhea, stomach-ache and many others. There are several ailments, which may be discovered, with the aid of LFTs. They include:

  • Alcoholic hepatitis severeĀ lft test price in delhi inflammation caused by excessive alcohol intake
  • Autoimmune hepatitis liver inflammation caused by an autoimmune disease
  • Celiac disease small intestine damage caused by gluten
  • Cirrhosis early stages of liver scarring

Your doctor may ask you to avoid eating food or with any kind of Medication before coming to the test. The phlebotomist the individual trained to draw blood for tests will sterilize your arm to prevent adulteration of this test. Then he or she will wrap a device around your arm to make your veins visible. The blood is then drawn with the support of the needle. After taking the right quantity of blood that the phlebotomist will put a bandage on the area from where blood has been drawn.

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